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FRP Pipies (GRP/GRE/GRV Pipes) http://www.adpf.ae/docs/about_frp.html About FRP Pipies RTRP stands for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe and FRP stands for Fiberglass Reinfoced Plastic Pipe. FRP is a composite material consisting of a thermosetting polymer, often a type of polyester, reinforced with glass or other fibers. Glass fibers provide strength and stiffness to a composite material. Different types of resins are used.. 2014. 11. 14.
Pipe Roughness Pipe Roughness For all claculations of pressure drop, the following pipe roughness values should be used: Pipe Roughness for Typical Materials Material Roughness Carbon Steel (CS) - Process 0.05 mm Stainless Steel (SS) 0.05 mm Titanium and Cu-Ni 0.05 mm Glass Fiber Reinforced Pipe (GFRP) 0.005 mm Polyethylene, PVC 0.005 mm 2014. 9. 30.
Priming System Sizing http://lynnengineeredsystems.com Priming System Sizing Proper sizing of a vacuum priming system is based on the required volume of air to be removed from the suction piping within the acceptable period of time. Sizing also depends on whether operation of the system is On Demand, where priming is done before each time a pump needs to start or Automatic systems that maintain a constant prime for i.. 2014. 8. 4.
Priming System Selection http://lynnengineeredsystems.com Application Analysis Determining the proper system type and sizing for the application is the first step in selecting a vacuum priming system. Selecting the proper type of system depends upon the application requirements of the pump or pumps that require priming. There are two system types to consider, On-Demand priming or Automatic priming. Each system type is a.. 2014. 8. 4.
Pump Seal Plan Pump Seal Plan [출처] 링마벨 엔지니어링 블로그 "Engineering 뽀개기" Seal Plan 의 목적은 pump 내의 rotating part (eg. shaft) 와 stationary part (eg. baering) 사이의 마모를 줄이는데 있습니다. Process fluid (pumping fluid) 의 property (flammability, toxic, hazardous, harmful, Hydrocarbon, etc...) 에 따라 single seal 과 double seal 로 구분이 됩니다. 다시 double seal 은 Seal Reservior 의 pressure 가 Seal Chamber pressure 보다 높거나 적느냐에 따라 plan 이 구분됩니다. 보통 .. 2014. 7. 23.
Commissioning Procedure 시운전은 보통 아래의 과정을 통해 이루어집니다. Planning --> Pre-Commissioning --> Commissioning --> Start-up --> Performance Test 1. Planning 이 단계에서는 주로 설계자료 검토, 시운전 수행자료준비, 인원 선발 의 주요 업무가 포함되어 있습니다. 이중 가장 중요한 것은 시운전 수행자료 준비가 되겠습니다. 시운전을 위해 먼저 system 을 수행단위로 나누고 Sequence 의 기본골격을 정하여 각 step 마다 필요한 action 을 세분화하여 D/B 를 구축하고 Schedule 을 정립합니다. 시운전 엔지니어의 경험이 무엇보다 크게 영향을 차지하며, 역량에 따라 현장에서의 re-work 를 줄일수 있습니다. 2. Pre-Comm.. 2014. 7. 23.