Etc./Terminology9 Nominal capacity / Design capacity Q : What is the difference between nominal and design capacity? A : Nominal capacity is the total liquid hold-up capacity of the Tank and Design capacity is the liquid hold up capacity up to High-High Liquid level. 2014. 7. 28. Sour Gas & Sweet Gas Sour Gas & Sweet Gas (Sour servece, Sweet Service) Sour gas is natural gas or any other gas containing significant amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Natural gas is usually considered sour if there are more than 5.7 milligrams of H2S per cubic meter of natural gas, which is equivalent to approximately 4 ppm by volume under standard temperature and pressure. However, this threshold varies by coun.. 2014. 7. 4. 온스펙·오프스펙 (On Spec·Off Spec) 생산이 완료된 최종시료 또는 공정중 채취된 시료를 시험하여 원하는 규격내 에 들어왔을 때 On Spec이라 부르고 규격에 미달될때 Off Spec 이라고 부른다. 2014. 4. 23. 이전 1 2 다음 728x90 반응형